
Falling Off The Wagon: Routines During Summer

We just got back from a glorious vacation. It wasn’t ten days in the Caribbean or Italy and it was certainly not all relaxation, but it was wonderful and we returned feeling deeply nourished. The trip included about 2,500 miles of driving, some exposure to Midwestern cooking and even a little road food despite our

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Fit-ness: Finding the Best Foods For Your Body (Guest Post)

Today’s Guest Post comes from a brilliant Nutritional Coach in Amherst. She is my go to person for food and cooking questions and has taught me everything I know about gluten-free baking. Her post today could not be more timely as we enter into allergy season and the abundance of spring. What fits?  I think a lot about

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15 Ways to Have More Fun This Summer

Eat Local And Eat In Abundance: Get a CSA or go to your local farmer’s market and see what is new every week. Get excited for something later in the summer and then enjoy it when it finally arrives. When something finally is harvested eat it until you are blue in the face while everything is

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Frustration/Stress: Emotions Post #4

I feel moderately obligated to skip ahead and talk about fear with all this snow buzz, but as I’ve spent all week treating spiked levels of stress I must stay true to course. The most dangerous aspect of stress is thinking that it is inevitable. Don’t get me wrong there are going to be times

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