Stress & Trauma

Paralysis: How Inaction Can Be Meditation

Yesterday I spent a gray day on a quiet beach in Rhode Island. I was there with a friend who moves at precisely my speed and the two of us enjoyed a very lazy, slow moving methodical day. We first walked along the beach in our street clothes and bare feet and made our way […]

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Nourish The Yin: Embrace The Feminine, The Stillness, The Quiet

  In Chinese Medicine there are four basic substances we attempt to balance: Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang. Qi and Blood are probably obvious, qi is the energetic material component of the body and blood represents all the blood and menstrual blood of the body. Yin and yang are lesser known substances though familiar concepts.

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Charting 101: Fertility Awareness Method Explained

Lately, I am doing really well with periods. I’m a period specialist, but sometimes there are spurts of time when all the sudden something shifts and I have a break through in several patient cases all at once. It is fabulous. In the last few months I’ve worked with a patient to bring back a

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Struggle: Is Fighting Circumstance Turning Tiny Problems Into Catastrophes?

I’ve been promising a blog post to several of my patients on the topic of struggle. But while I was gearing up to write it I got tremendously sick. Interesting how simply having a topic in my head invites the universe to create the environment for me to be fully inspired. Well, the universe inspired

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10 Things I Learned About Asking for Help And Giving It

I am writing this blog post after two of the sickest weeks I’ve experienced in my life. It came out of nowhere and wouldn’t let up.  It may sound silly that a little sickness could wreck a household for more than 2 weeks, but it has. As with most people, when I need the most

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Complaining: The Most Unattractive Way To Communicate Your Life Experience

Something is shifting lately. I’m feeling a little dusty all over, a little uncomfortable in my body. Somehow I’ve become very uninspired by the way I communicate and perceive my life. This fall we cleaned our house. We made a few Salvation Army runs, got rid of some random furniture, repotted plants, redecorate rooms and

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The Authentic Self: Why We Must Give Our Unique Gifts to The World

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.― Frederick Buechner In my occupation there is a certain amount of disclosure that happens. Within any patient-practitioner model there is a level of intimacy and confidentiality that is a patient’s right. Within the patient-acupuncturist model there is

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