Women’s Health

Nourish The Yin: Embrace The Feminine, The Stillness, The Quiet

  In Chinese Medicine there are four basic substances we attempt to balance: Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang. Qi and Blood are probably obvious, qi is the energetic material component of the body and blood represents all the blood and menstrual blood of the body. Yin and yang are lesser known substances though familiar concepts.

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Postpartum Helper’s List: Chores To Support The New Family

This blog post is a list that was circulating in my prenatal yoga class and I thought the concept was worth sharing on my blog. It is the personal list of expecting mama, Beth Pellettieri, that was prepared for her visiting family and friends when they arrive after her second baby is born. She wanted them to

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Internal Voices: Understanding The Messages We’ve Received About Health

Yesterday, following Wednesday night’s World War III argument about money, my husband suggested we very amicably sit down and discuss the theoretical issues behind how we handle our money. My husband, the excellent communicator and excessively articulate man that he is(drives me crazy), started the conversation with two questions. What does money mean to us

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The Creative Journey To Design A Career: Authentic Self Post #1

Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness. –Shakti Gawain Let’s start here—a quote straight from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Cameron is a legend in the creative field for helping people overcome “writer’s block” or the equivalent in any artistic endeavor.

The Creative Journey To Design A Career: Authentic Self Post #1 Read More »

Fear and Punk Rock in Baby-Land (Guest Post)

Today’s guest post is from one of my favorite people in the world, Jen Hinst-White. She writes about first time motherhood and second time pregnancy and being honest about the process. I’m a bit of a weirdo—let’s start there—and as far as pregnancy and birth goes, I think I may be freakishly relaxed. I just

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Stillness: The Power of Doing Nothing With Intention

In Chinese Medicine we use the phrase “nourishing the yin,” to describe rebuilding and supporting the production of body fluids. Western Medicine might see “yin deficiency” as hormonal depletion or adrenal exhaustion. But we think of it as a liquid deficiency, everything has dried up. We are born with an adequate amount of yin and

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