yoga practice

Self-Inquiry: Free May Meditation Series Post #3

Today’s meditation examines the witnessing self and invites the participant to engage deeply in authentic, honest self-inquiry. When we are capable of recognizing our self worth we may begin to understand what we have to offer the world. If you enjoyed today’s meditation try the other FREE meditations. Week #1: Self-Love Week #2: Self-Forgiveness Copyright: […]

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Self-Forgiveness: Free May Self-Love Meditation #2

    Here is the second installment of this month’s free weekly meditations. This one is all about being gentle with one’s self and using positive affirmations instead of negative self-criticism. We are all on a journey and could use some invigorating encouragement for the progress we have already made. Self-forgiveness can be a powerful

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Her Majesty The Breathing Diaphragm

The four diaphragms of the body: arches of the feet, pelvic floor, breathing diaphragm and soft palate are key components to the Embodyoga system. They are seen as soft supports for the bones, muscles and organs that are piled up on top of them.  But Her Majesty The Breathing Diaphragm is far and away my favorite. It

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The Power of Inversions: What We Gain From Turning It Upside Down

Monday when I walked into my intermediate class everyone was sprawled out on their mat about two minutes away from sleep. One sure sign we need to do inversions is seeing a room full of exhausted people. So I did an arm balance class. There is nothing that gets blood flowing to the brain faster

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Frustration/Stress: Emotions Post #4

I feel moderately obligated to skip ahead and talk about fear with all this snow buzz, but as I’ve spent all week treating spiked levels of stress I must stay true to course. The most dangerous aspect of stress is thinking that it is inevitable. Don’t get me wrong there are going to be times

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