
Anniversaries: Honoring The Good, The Bad and The Horrid

I have this new rule for blogging. If I hear of something more than 4 or 5 times from my patients in a two-week period I write about it. Call me silly, but this whole sharing a universe thing makes me think we are subject to the same twists and turns of fate. So today

Anniversaries: Honoring The Good, The Bad and The Horrid Read More »


Growing up April 1st was all about April Fool’s Day. My mother succeeded almost every year in tricking my father with some devilish plot. It was their little ritual and even on the years she attempted and failed miserably it was fun to watch the process. Seven years ago, no I guess now it is eight,

Rebirth Read More »

Sadness/Depression: Emotions Post #2

It is the perfect time of year to talk about depression. The days are still short and the wind chill is brutal. Life can look bleak even when the sun is shining in full force. Plus we are in Kidney time and so much of depression is Kidney oriented. In my experience the fine line

Sadness/Depression: Emotions Post #2 Read More »