

Housekeeping: The Body As Our Primary Residence

My garden has reached the point where complete strangers actually stop and take pictures of it. I’m not saying that out of excessive pride, I’m revealing that so you understand the jungle-like quality of a full sun garden in one of the best growing seasons in years. My zucchinis and tomatoes are almost threatening to […]

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Stillness: The Power of Doing Nothing With Intention

In Chinese Medicine we use the phrase “nourishing the yin,” to describe rebuilding and supporting the production of body fluids. Western Medicine might see “yin deficiency” as hormonal depletion or adrenal exhaustion. But we think of it as a liquid deficiency, everything has dried up. We are born with an adequate amount of yin and

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Savasana: A Guide To The Most Beloved Of Postures

Some yoga teachers worry about inversions, others worry about forward folds, I am obsessed with Savasana. Yes, you could do some serious damage in headstand and a forward fold with a herniated disk is terrible. These are plenty of things to worry about. As a teacher I’m trained to always be looking for the person

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Hitting the Ground Running: Why Speedy Recoveries Are Overrated

This has been the summer of weddings. Three weeks ago we were in Colorado, then we were in London and soon we will be driving south for a beach wedding in mid September. It has been an exceptional amount of travel in a teeny amount of time and I am an easily overwhelmed traveler. With

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Postpartum Care: The First Year of Possibility

This blog post is not just written to expecting mothers. This post is directed to everyone as postpartum care drastically changes people’s lives. This post is a means of educating people that the first few weeks after birth are not the only time new families need assistance. Really the continued need for community is through

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Frustration/Stress: Emotions Post #4

I feel moderately obligated to skip ahead and talk about fear with all this snow buzz, but as I’ve spent all week treating spiked levels of stress I must stay true to course. The most dangerous aspect of stress is thinking that it is inevitable. Don’t get me wrong there are going to be times

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