
Moving Toward Contentment (Guest Post)

Today’s guest post comes from a local friend and writer, Leah Dunham. She is sharing her all too common story of her postpartum period. Thanks Leah, for the courage to tell your story. As a child I often imagined myself as a capable mother.  My sister and I played “house” with our cabbage patch dolls for […]

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10 Things I Learned About Asking for Help And Giving It

I am writing this blog post after two of the sickest weeks I’ve experienced in my life. It came out of nowhere and wouldn’t let up.  It may sound silly that a little sickness could wreck a household for more than 2 weeks, but it has. As with most people, when I need the most

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Convincing The Self That Happiness Is Worthwhile: Authentic Self Post #2

This is Post #2 in a series called “The Authentic Self” that I am writing mostly to my patients, but also to my readers to inspire them to contemplate the physical effects of a career on the body and mind (whether they are positive or negative). Thank you to all the people who have started

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Anniversaries: Honoring The Good, The Bad and The Horrid

I have this new rule for blogging. If I hear of something more than 4 or 5 times from my patients in a two-week period I write about it. Call me silly, but this whole sharing a universe thing makes me think we are subject to the same twists and turns of fate. So today

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Journey To Healing (Guest Post): Recovering From A Brain Tumor With Acupuncture

This is a guest post by a patient, Nikki Thelan. Please read her story of recovery and return to a full healthy, active life after an amazing year of hardship. I am so priviledged that Nikki came into my life last winter because sharing in this journey has been truly inspirational. She is one powerful,

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Postpartum Care: The First Year of Possibility

This blog post is not just written to expecting mothers. This post is directed to everyone as postpartum care drastically changes people’s lives. This post is a means of educating people that the first few weeks after birth are not the only time new families need assistance. Really the continued need for community is through

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Frustration/Stress: Emotions Post #4

I feel moderately obligated to skip ahead and talk about fear with all this snow buzz, but as I’ve spent all week treating spiked levels of stress I must stay true to course. The most dangerous aspect of stress is thinking that it is inevitable. Don’t get me wrong there are going to be times

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Sadness/Depression: Emotions Post #2

It is the perfect time of year to talk about depression. The days are still short and the wind chill is brutal. Life can look bleak even when the sun is shining in full force. Plus we are in Kidney time and so much of depression is Kidney oriented. In my experience the fine line

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