
Paralysis: How Inaction Can Be Meditation

Yesterday I spent a gray day on a quiet beach in Rhode Island. I was there with a friend who moves at precisely my speed and the two of us enjoyed a very lazy, slow moving methodical day. We first walked along the beach in our street clothes and bare feet and made our way […]

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Intimacy Among Strangers: Finding Unexpected Connections On The Sidewalk

For those of you who have yet to experience it there is a new street musician playing downtown in Northampton. For those of you who don’t normally waltz the streets of our little town allow me to share that the quality of street musician is quite unusual. Given the five colleges and a large artistic

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Paying The Rent And Pursuing Your Dream: Authentic Self Post #4

This is the final post in a blog series designed to get people thinking about what a career can offer emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually to your life and what it can just as easily take away. This post is getting down to the nuts and bolts of life and asking the questions that a

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Convincing The Self That Happiness Is Worthwhile: Authentic Self Post #2

This is Post #2 in a series called “The Authentic Self” that I am writing mostly to my patients, but also to my readers to inspire them to contemplate the physical effects of a career on the body and mind (whether they are positive or negative). Thank you to all the people who have started

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Fear and Punk Rock in Baby-Land (Guest Post)

Today’s guest post is from one of my favorite people in the world, Jen Hinst-White. She writes about first time motherhood and second time pregnancy and being honest about the process. I’m a bit of a weirdo—let’s start there—and as far as pregnancy and birth goes, I think I may be freakishly relaxed. I just

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Anniversaries: Honoring The Good, The Bad and The Horrid

I have this new rule for blogging. If I hear of something more than 4 or 5 times from my patients in a two-week period I write about it. Call me silly, but this whole sharing a universe thing makes me think we are subject to the same twists and turns of fate. So today

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The Power of Inversions: What We Gain From Turning It Upside Down

Monday when I walked into my intermediate class everyone was sprawled out on their mat about two minutes away from sleep. One sure sign we need to do inversions is seeing a room full of exhausted people. So I did an arm balance class. There is nothing that gets blood flowing to the brain faster

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Inspiration from Birds Post #2: Diving Birds and Surrender

About six years ago I decided that surrender was my number one lesson to learn. Growing up I had been a fighter. Always pushing, fighting, struggling to get what I wanted and needed. After I fell in love a few times and made some significant friendships I realized that the best things in life usually

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The Pursuit of Happiness

Last weekend I was invited back to my alma mater, Bennington College, to be part of an alumni panel on careers and grad school. Bennington is probably the only school in the universe that would invite a Writing/Literature/Dance Major who eventually became a Yoga Teacher/Acupuncturist/Herbalist back to speak. When I agreed to the event they

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Fear: Emotions Post #5

It is amazing how many people come in and check off “Fear” under the Emotions category of my health history form and then when I start to ask questions correct themselves and say it is worry. It might be helpful in addressing fear to return to my Worry post or my post on a recent skiing trip, Outside

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