mental health


Housekeeping: The Body As Our Primary Residence

My garden has reached the point where complete strangers actually stop and take pictures of it. I’m not saying that out of excessive pride, I’m revealing that so you understand the jungle-like quality of a full sun garden in one of the best growing seasons in years. My zucchinis and tomatoes are almost threatening to […]

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Self-Forgiveness: Free May Self-Love Meditation #2

    Here is the second installment of this month’s free weekly meditations. This one is all about being gentle with one’s self and using positive affirmations instead of negative self-criticism. We are all on a journey and could use some invigorating encouragement for the progress we have already made. Self-forgiveness can be a powerful

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10 Things I Learned About Asking for Help And Giving It

I am writing this blog post after two of the sickest weeks I’ve experienced in my life. It came out of nowhere and wouldn’t let up.  It may sound silly that a little sickness could wreck a household for more than 2 weeks, but it has. As with most people, when I need the most

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Internal Voices: Understanding The Messages We’ve Received About Health

Yesterday, following Wednesday night’s World War III argument about money, my husband suggested we very amicably sit down and discuss the theoretical issues behind how we handle our money. My husband, the excellent communicator and excessively articulate man that he is(drives me crazy), started the conversation with two questions. What does money mean to us

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Paying The Rent And Pursuing Your Dream: Authentic Self Post #4

This is the final post in a blog series designed to get people thinking about what a career can offer emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually to your life and what it can just as easily take away. This post is getting down to the nuts and bolts of life and asking the questions that a

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Authentic Self Post #3: Why The World Needs Your Authentic Self

I was that girl at the sleepovers; the last asleep and first awake, hell-bent not to miss a second of revealed secrets or emotional sharing. Sometimes it felt like I waited all month long to get to the point with my friends when I could ask the real questions. I wanted to know these women:

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The Authentic Self: Why We Must Give Our Unique Gifts to The World

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.― Frederick Buechner In my occupation there is a certain amount of disclosure that happens. Within any patient-practitioner model there is a level of intimacy and confidentiality that is a patient’s right. Within the patient-acupuncturist model there is

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Anniversaries: Honoring The Good, The Bad and The Horrid

I have this new rule for blogging. If I hear of something more than 4 or 5 times from my patients in a two-week period I write about it. Call me silly, but this whole sharing a universe thing makes me think we are subject to the same twists and turns of fate. So today

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Journey To Healing (Guest Post): Recovering From A Brain Tumor With Acupuncture

This is a guest post by a patient, Nikki Thelan. Please read her story of recovery and return to a full healthy, active life after an amazing year of hardship. I am so priviledged that Nikki came into my life last winter because sharing in this journey has been truly inspirational. She is one powerful,

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Savasana: A Guide To The Most Beloved Of Postures

Some yoga teachers worry about inversions, others worry about forward folds, I am obsessed with Savasana. Yes, you could do some serious damage in headstand and a forward fold with a herniated disk is terrible. These are plenty of things to worry about. As a teacher I’m trained to always be looking for the person

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