mental health

Approval: Another One Of Those Deep Inner Needs

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.  -unknown* Sunday night this week after getting into bed I started up a very old, very familiar fight with my husband. All of you in […]

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Slowness: 5 Things I Learned While Traveling With A Child

This weekend we went to a wedding in Boston. It felt like early May all weekend instead of deep June and it was glorious to be outside without much agenda. In addition to a lack of agenda we were in a beautiful part of Boston, on foot and traveling with a three year old. The

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Stress: Why It Isn’t A Switch We Can Just Turn Off

I wrote about stress during my Emotions Series. But there is one component of it that has been on my mind lately. Most disease in the body caused by stress is often deemed as cure-less. And believe me it is, if we disempower the person by saying it is hopeless unless they shut the stress off. The important

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The Pursuit of Happiness

Last weekend I was invited back to my alma mater, Bennington College, to be part of an alumni panel on careers and grad school. Bennington is probably the only school in the universe that would invite a Writing/Literature/Dance Major who eventually became a Yoga Teacher/Acupuncturist/Herbalist back to speak. When I agreed to the event they

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Frustration/Stress: Emotions Post #4

I feel moderately obligated to skip ahead and talk about fear with all this snow buzz, but as I’ve spent all week treating spiked levels of stress I must stay true to course. The most dangerous aspect of stress is thinking that it is inevitable. Don’t get me wrong there are going to be times

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The Blessed Life

A friend of mine recently commented that I live a blessed life. My first response was jaw-dropping disbelief and then immediate defensiveness. Luckily my rapid second response was understanding. For the last five years my husband and I have married, studied our passions in grad school, lived in the town of our dreams, built an

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Worry: Emotions Post #1

In the Western world excessive worry is either overlooked or not talked about. But what if I told you that Chinese Medicine believes that excessive worry is a physical condition that spirals into more dangerous ailments. Would you be interested in cutting down on how many nights a week you spend walking around your house

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