New Year’s Resolutions

Real Yoga Students’ Resolutions For Their Yoga Practice in 2014

Despite the many cancelled classes at the beginning of January, here is the list of real yoga students’ 2014 resolutions from my class at Hampshire Regional YMCA in Northampton and my mother’s (Linda Hill) yoga classes at CNY Healing Arts in Albany, NY. These student share their goals and resolutions for what they want from their practice in 2014. […]

Real Yoga Students’ Resolutions For Their Yoga Practice in 2014 Read More »

Real Yoga Students Share Top Five Results of Their Yoga Practice in 2013

On December 30, 2013 I went into my two Monday morning classes at the Hampshire Regional YMCA in Northampton, MA and asked my regulars to look back at their year of practice and acknowledge (and share if they like) their top five accomplishments from this year. My mother (Linda Hill, also a yoga teacher) went

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4 Ways To Honor The New Year’s Resolution Process

Just as my favorite time of day is early in the morning, my favorite time of the year is the first few hours on New Year’s Day when the world is still asleep and the sun is yet again rising. There is so much hope in those first few strains of sunlight. Anything imaginable could

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The Power and The Possibilities of Long Term Planning

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”― Henry David Thoreau This weekend we drove to Vermont for a Christmas party. En route we passed a big apple orchard that we’ve been driving past for years.  To

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How to Receive During The Season of Giving

In the midst of this holiday season as everyone is thinking about shopping and making New Year’s Resolutions I want to bring your mind back to the concept of Receiving. By the end of the year most of us will be a little more broke and a little more depleted from travel, desserts, and shopping in

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Change Your Life in 6-Minute Increments

I recently learned that lawyers bill their work in 6-minute increments. 1/10 of an hour. That means that they have to log everything that is accomplished in every 6- minute session. What have you accomplished in the last six minutes? The last 12 minutes? The last 18 minutes? Friends of ours recently renovated part of

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Sadness/Depression: Emotions Post #2

It is the perfect time of year to talk about depression. The days are still short and the wind chill is brutal. Life can look bleak even when the sun is shining in full force. Plus we are in Kidney time and so much of depression is Kidney oriented. In my experience the fine line

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25 Things Not On Your New Year’s Resolution List (That Should Be)

Eat more foods that make you swoony Set a timer when using facebook Stop taking the elevator (ever) Be more honest with your closest friends Line dry your laundry (even in the winter) Be responsible for some of the food you eat: garden, can, freeze, bake, get a CSA, and/or go to a farmer’s market

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