Career Search

Self-Appreciation In The Middle Of Change

Last week I wrote a post about Dread. It wasn’t too uplifting, but it was real. You know by now that I’m determined to be honest about this process of living. My history with seasonal affective disorder always renders October a trying month, yet each year I am baffled by the crumbling of the spirit, […]

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Paying The Rent And Pursuing Your Dream: Authentic Self Post #4

This is the final post in a blog series designed to get people thinking about what a career can offer emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually to your life and what it can just as easily take away. This post is getting down to the nuts and bolts of life and asking the questions that a

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Authentic Self Post #3: Why The World Needs Your Authentic Self

I was that girl at the sleepovers; the last asleep and first awake, hell-bent not to miss a second of revealed secrets or emotional sharing. Sometimes it felt like I waited all month long to get to the point with my friends when I could ask the real questions. I wanted to know these women:

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Convincing The Self That Happiness Is Worthwhile: Authentic Self Post #2

This is Post #2 in a series called “The Authentic Self” that I am writing mostly to my patients, but also to my readers to inspire them to contemplate the physical effects of a career on the body and mind (whether they are positive or negative). Thank you to all the people who have started

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The Creative Journey To Design A Career: Authentic Self Post #1

Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness. –Shakti Gawain Let’s start here—a quote straight from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Cameron is a legend in the creative field for helping people overcome “writer’s block” or the equivalent in any artistic endeavor.

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The Authentic Self: Why We Must Give Our Unique Gifts to The World

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.― Frederick Buechner In my occupation there is a certain amount of disclosure that happens. Within any patient-practitioner model there is a level of intimacy and confidentiality that is a patient’s right. Within the patient-acupuncturist model there is

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The Pursuit of Happiness

Last weekend I was invited back to my alma mater, Bennington College, to be part of an alumni panel on careers and grad school. Bennington is probably the only school in the universe that would invite a Writing/Literature/Dance Major who eventually became a Yoga Teacher/Acupuncturist/Herbalist back to speak. When I agreed to the event they

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