

Housekeeping: The Body As Our Primary Residence

My garden has reached the point where complete strangers actually stop and take pictures of it. I’m not saying that out of excessive pride, I’m revealing that so you understand the jungle-like quality of a full sun garden in one of the best growing seasons in years. My zucchinis and tomatoes are almost threatening to […]

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Moving Toward Contentment (Guest Post)

Today’s guest post comes from a local friend and writer, Leah Dunham. She is sharing her all too common story of her postpartum period. Thanks Leah, for the courage to tell your story. As a child I often imagined myself as a capable mother.  My sister and I played “house” with our cabbage patch dolls for

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Taking Control Of The Never Ending To-Do List

At any given moment life is a certain amount of busy. What is important to realize is there are events in life that produce more stress on our bodies than we know or even think they should. I’ve always liked the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory as it quantifies stress in a very objective way. It says divorce is

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Overcome 5 Roadblocks To A Gratitude Practice

For a long time I’ve resisted the concept of gratitude. It is a buzz word in the mindfulness world and lots of people are doing gratitude meditations, radical acceptance workshops and all sorts of practices that encourage one to take notice of the blessings in their lives. For the last few years I’ve known that my

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