
Authentic Self Post #3: Why The World Needs Your Authentic Self

I was that girl at the sleepovers; the last asleep and first awake, hell-bent not to miss a second of revealed secrets or emotional sharing. Sometimes it felt like I waited all month long to get to the point with my friends when I could ask the real questions. I wanted to know these women: […]

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Convincing The Self That Happiness Is Worthwhile: Authentic Self Post #2

This is Post #2 in a series called “The Authentic Self” that I am writing mostly to my patients, but also to my readers to inspire them to contemplate the physical effects of a career on the body and mind (whether they are positive or negative). Thank you to all the people who have started

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The Creative Journey To Design A Career: Authentic Self Post #1

Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness. –Shakti Gawain Let’s start here—a quote straight from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Cameron is a legend in the creative field for helping people overcome “writer’s block” or the equivalent in any artistic endeavor.

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The Authentic Self: Why We Must Give Our Unique Gifts to The World

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.― Frederick Buechner In my occupation there is a certain amount of disclosure that happens. Within any patient-practitioner model there is a level of intimacy and confidentiality that is a patient’s right. Within the patient-acupuncturist model there is

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Real Yoga Students’ Resolutions For Their Yoga Practice in 2014

Despite the many cancelled classes at the beginning of January, here is the list of real yoga students’ 2014 resolutions from my class at Hampshire Regional YMCA in Northampton and my mother’s (Linda Hill) yoga classes at CNY Healing Arts in Albany, NY. These student share their goals and resolutions for what they want from their practice in 2014.

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On Becoming An Aunt: What Our Extended Families Teach Us

I became an aunt 9 days ago. It is a funny thing, this waiting for a baby to arrive in a family. All spring and summer we teased the expectant parents about nerves and anticipation. I watched as my mother-in-law spiraled up into a whirlwind of child-like excitement and watched as my father-in-law quieted and

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Overcome 5 Roadblocks To A Gratitude Practice

For a long time I’ve resisted the concept of gratitude. It is a buzz word in the mindfulness world and lots of people are doing gratitude meditations, radical acceptance workshops and all sorts of practices that encourage one to take notice of the blessings in their lives. For the last few years I’ve known that my

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Growing up April 1st was all about April Fool’s Day. My mother succeeded almost every year in tricking my father with some devilish plot. It was their little ritual and even on the years she attempted and failed miserably it was fun to watch the process. Seven years ago, no I guess now it is eight,

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Change Your Life in 6-Minute Increments

I recently learned that lawyers bill their work in 6-minute increments. 1/10 of an hour. That means that they have to log everything that is accomplished in every 6- minute session. What have you accomplished in the last six minutes? The last 12 minutes? The last 18 minutes? Friends of ours recently renovated part of

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