

Housekeeping: The Body As Our Primary Residence

My garden has reached the point where complete strangers actually stop and take pictures of it. I’m not saying that out of excessive pride, I’m revealing that so you understand the jungle-like quality of a full sun garden in one of the best growing seasons in years. My zucchinis and tomatoes are almost threatening to […]

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Surrender: Integrating Yoga Into Competitive Athletics (Guest Post)

This is a guest post from a long time yoga student, Kristen Elechko. She shares inspiration from local spots in Northampton and her yoga practice and how she weaves that inspiration into competitive athletics.  Inspiration can be found in the most common things. It can come from the place that you pass on any given day. Oftentimes,

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Nourish The Yin: Embrace The Feminine, The Stillness, The Quiet

  In Chinese Medicine there are four basic substances we attempt to balance: Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang. Qi and Blood are probably obvious, qi is the energetic material component of the body and blood represents all the blood and menstrual blood of the body. Yin and yang are lesser known substances though familiar concepts.

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Muscles: We Welcome You Back From The Deep Freeze

Something is happening. Can you feel it in your muscles. The last three days my body has enthusiastically desired exercise and movement and sunlight in a way it hasn’t in months. I can actually feel my muscles again, as if they’ve been frozen and they are officially thawed out. All winter I biked my way

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4 Ways To Honor The New Year’s Resolution Process

Just as my favorite time of day is early in the morning, my favorite time of the year is the first few hours on New Year’s Day when the world is still asleep and the sun is yet again rising. There is so much hope in those first few strains of sunlight. Anything imaginable could

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The Power and The Possibilities of Long Term Planning

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”― Henry David Thoreau This weekend we drove to Vermont for a Christmas party. En route we passed a big apple orchard that we’ve been driving past for years.  To

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Releasing Summer, Accepting October

Yesterday I finally accepted October. It always takes me a long time, some years longer than others. I hold on childishly to the idea that the sun will again deeply warm the earth and the trees will grow heavy with green again. At some point every year something inside me shifts and I stop wanting

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