Life Choices

Advice: Why We Take It And Why We Don’t

In the last few weeks I’ve received quite a bit of positive feedback about my latest blog posts. The fall is a hard season and barreling into this fall has brought up a lot of challenges for several of my students and patients. The message of self-appreciation and self-care seems to be important this time

Advice: Why We Take It And Why We Don’t Read More »

Self-Appreciation In The Middle Of Change

Last week I wrote a post about Dread. It wasn’t too uplifting, but it was real. You know by now that I’m determined to be honest about this process of living. My history with seasonal affective disorder always renders October a trying month, yet each year I am baffled by the crumbling of the spirit,

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Empowered Decision-Making: Who Is In Control of Your Life?

This whole week, okay, I’m lying. This whole summer has been about the process of moving into my new office. If it wasn’t looking for a place, than it was contemplating what I wanted out of a space. Once I had the space, it was about picking out furniture or contemplating materials that were safe

Empowered Decision-Making: Who Is In Control of Your Life? Read More »

Nourish The Yin: Embrace The Feminine, The Stillness, The Quiet

  In Chinese Medicine there are four basic substances we attempt to balance: Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang. Qi and Blood are probably obvious, qi is the energetic material component of the body and blood represents all the blood and menstrual blood of the body. Yin and yang are lesser known substances though familiar concepts.

Nourish The Yin: Embrace The Feminine, The Stillness, The Quiet Read More »